7 Over The Counter Non-addictive Sleeping Pills

Sleeping pills can be addictive, especially when taken over a long period. When you’re looking to get some extra shut-eye, consider using one of these seven non-addictive sleeping pills that you can purchase from your local pharmacy or grocery store, instead of relying on addictive drugs. While it’s important to talk with your doctor about your sleep habits and drug use before trying any of these over-the-counter sleeping pills, their lack of addiction potential makes them much safer than other options. The following are 7 over the counter non addictive sleeping pills

1) Vivarin

Vivarin is a brand name for caffeine, so it should come as no surprise that Vivarin is considered one of many people’s favorite over-the-counter sleeping pills. The active ingredient in Vivarin is 400 mg of caffeine, which can help provide you with a good night’s sleep if taken an hour before bedtime. Taking too much Vivarin may cause side effects such as headache, nervousness, and nausea. If you suffer from high blood pressure or heart disease, consult your doctor before taking Vivarin or any other OTC sleeping pill. This product also contains Vitamin B6 and niacinamide, both of which have been shown to aid sleep quality. Vivarin is available at most drug stores and grocery stores. It comes in tablet form and costs about $5 per bottle of 30 tablets. For maximum effectiveness, take two tablets just before going to bed. Do not exceed four tablets within 24 hours. Never take more than eight tablets within a week without consulting your physician first.

2) Unisom Sleep Tabs

These are one of your best bets if you’re looking for non-addictive sleeping pills. They contain Diphenhydramine, which relaxes muscles and causes drowsiness, making it easier to get a good night’s sleep. Unisom Sleep Tabs also have melatonin and valerian root, all of which help improve sleep quality. The only downside is that they can cause some people to feel groggy in the morning. But even then, that doesn’t make them addictive! Overall, these are a safe option if you want something over-the-counter that works well without having to go through any doctor visits or prescriptions. If you ask around, most pharmacists will tell you that many customers come into their stores specifically asking for Unisom Sleep tabs because they work so well. If you do decide to try them out, just remember that they do take up to an hour before you start feeling sleepy. So don’t take them too late at night.


Triazolam is a drug prescribed for short-term insomnia. It belongs to a class of drugs called benzodiazepines and works by slowing down brain activity in your sleep centers, inducing sleepiness. While you can buy triazolam online or over-the-counter at drug stores like Walgreens or Walmart, it’s not intended for long-term use. In addition to being addictive, side effects of triazolam include memory impairment and dizziness. These are two things that are especially dangerous when driving, so if you decide to take triazolam as an OTC sleeping pill, make sure you don’t drive while taking it. Also, be aware that some people have reported experiencing withdrawal symptoms after stopping the use of triazolam suddenly. These withdrawal symptoms may be severe enough to require medical attention.

4) Suvorexant

Suvorexant, marketed as Belsomra, is an over-the-counter (OTC) sleep aid. Suvorexant is a prescription sleeping pill that’s used to treat insomnia and other sleep disorders. One of its benefits is it’s an OTC drug, meaning you don’t need a prescription to get it. It was approved by the FDA in 2013 for use in adults with trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. It works by blocking orexin receptors in your brain, which are responsible for regulating wakefulness. While suvorexant can be effective at helping people fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer, some side effects may occur while taking it. Some people who take suvorexant have reported experiencing vivid dreams or nightmares while using it; others have experienced nausea or dizziness when they first started taking it.

5) Advil PM Pain Reliever/Nighttime Sleep-Aid Caplets

The active ingredient in Advil PM is ibuprofen, which helps to reduce inflammation and ease the pain. It also contains diphenhydramine HCL, an antihistamine that acts as a sedative when you take it at night. Diphenhydramine can cause drowsiness, dizziness, dry mouth, and constipation so it’s not recommended for daytime use. If you suffer from mild insomnia try taking Advil PM about an hour before bedtime for a restful sleep. Benadryl Allergy/Sedation Caplets: Benadryl Allergy/Sedation caplets contain 25 milligrams of diphenhydramine per pill along with 50 milligrams of doxylamine succinate. Doxylamine succinate is another type of antihistamine that causes drowsiness and was designed specifically for nighttime use.

6) Triazolam

Triazolam is a non-benzodiazepine and non-barbiturate sleep medication used to treat insomnia and other sleeping disorders. It’s also marketed under various brand names including Halcion, Sirdalud, and Someone. Triazolam is considered safer than benzodiazepines like Xanax because it doesn’t have as strong of an effect on your respiratory system. However, triazolam does have side effects such as drowsiness and memory loss. If you do decide to take triazolam, be sure to follow all instructions provided by your doctor or pharmacist. Don’t exceed recommended dosages or take more frequently than prescribed without consulting with a medical professional first.

7) Aleve PM Pain Reliever/Nighttime Sleep-Aid Caplets

The manufacturer’s recommended dose of one Aleve PM caplet contains 65 milligrams of diphenhydramine, an antihistamine, and a sleep aid. Diphenhydramine is an over-the-counter drug that can cause dry mouth, constipation, restlessness, and dizziness. It may also increase your risk of developing a serious condition called tardive dyskinesia if you take it for more than two weeks. Tardive dyskinesia causes involuntary movements in your face and body, such as lip-smacking or grimacing. These side effects are most likely to occur when you first start taking diphenhydramine. They tend to go away after several days or weeks but could become permanent if you continue to use diphenhydramine long-term. If you develop any signs of tardive dyskinesia, stop using diphenhydramine immediately and contact your doctor.


These non-addictive over-the-counter pills are perfect for anyone looking to get a more restful night’s sleep. It can be frustrating when you have trouble sleeping. Luckily, there are some great options available if you just can’t turn off your brain before bedtime.